I took some time to reflect on the past year and believe my most productive time was while I was also trying to put out videos on a regular bases. The problem is that the videos I’ve created in the past take way too much time to produce and edit.
I think the solution is to move towards a, shorter, informal VLOG style video format and add this written journal. My hope is that this decision will have a couple benefits.
It will help me to focus my attention and remain on task. There are so many different elements to running a business that it’s easy to become bogged down or distracted. By reviewing what I have accomplished and what the goals of the day are, I can see my progress and adjust when needed.
The videos and journals will provide a lasting record of what it’s like to transition from one career into a completely different field. I believe most of us work at jobs out of necessity and dream of throwing ourselves into our passion. What would we do if money was not an issue? Probably not what we do today. Well, money is still an issue for me, but I’ve found myself in the position to take a chance and try.
There have been ups and downs this past year and I’m sure the coming year will provide more challenges and opportunities. I hope you’ll travel along with me to share in my successes and learn with me in my failures!